Monday 25 April 2011

Venice the second the second

I saw the doggy again! I was having a drink on a terrace over the water, in a completely different part of Venice to where I saw him this afternoon, and suddenly there he was under my table. Unless there's a whole crew of ginger dogs happily roaming Venice, perhaps commissioned by the council to add a little extra tail-waggyness to the city.

This guy is the Helen Keller of limbs. I have to find out what the building next to him is, because I peeked in a window and there was a gigantic (like, five foot long) silver spoon lying on the floor. That's my kind of art!

Up close and personal with the lepers.

Romantic Venetian crane. There is construction and restoration all over the place, everywhere I've been. I guess a city is never really finished, even one as totally filled in as Venice.

Venice is pretty much one giant alleyway, and yet it smells perfectly clean everywhere. Therefore I ask: What is wrong with you, Parisians?

There's a constant ocean haze over Venice that gives good sunset.

Social subversion and cocktails? Count me in.


I can't make my camera take good night shots (unless there's a setting, Bee?) so you'll have to take my word that Venice in the evening is lovely.


  1. Night shots is hard ... you really need a tripod and more control over your settings which of course you don't really have in a basic compact. Try putting the Auto / Camera / Play switch onto Camera, press Function, and then select Night Snapshot?

    My mum said they didn't go to Venice and someone else on their tour did and said it stunk ... I look forward to telling her how clean you're finding it.

  2. I don't think I could comfortably unlock my house if it required inserting things in a dogs bum.
